Operation Christmas Card


Operation Christmas Card is a special project that the Grand Chapter of Georgia adopted five (5) years ago.  The purpose of this project is to send Christmas Cards to our service personnel stationed at American Bases in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Kosovo, Djibouti, and Qatar.  


Cards are collected year-round so they can be prepared and transported overseas to the various military bases in plenty of time for Christmas.  

Anyone can help provide cards: friends, family, kids, and grandkids. These cards may be the only communication some of our military service members received during Christmas.

If you want to help with this project, here are some tips. The cards cannot be in a sealed envelope as they must be open for review prior to delivery. Cards cannot have any glitter on them nor can they include any sort of insert. A heartfelt, hand-written message of thanks is appropriate, but personal information, including contact information, is not.

In the first five years of this program, over 75,000 cards have been sent to our military members to show them our appreciation for risking their lives in protecting our country.